Cultivate Empathy to Inspire Campaigns

An innovative home security company wanted to develop a deeper, more human understanding of their consumer segments to drive more focused and meaningful creative messaging and product development strategies.


W5 leveraged a virtual ethnographic approach with priority segments to explore not only their engagement with the category, but broader topics related to personality, values, and self-identity. Using questioning and analysis techniques rooted in behavioral science coupled with extended online discussions and on-on-one interviews, W5 helped consumers express their truest selves. Consumer ethnographic research was supplemented by interviews with psychologists and social scientists who helped provide social and cultural context for consumer attitudes.


W5 facilitated a Persona ideation workshop with cross-functional client teams to expand segment identities through Personas, giving names, faces, and identities to what were previously general market descriptions of their consumer base. Personas were socialized through a final report, fact sheets, and highlight videos that allowed real consumers to have a voice within the organization, cultivating empathy and driving human-centered strategic thinking around marketing and product initiatives.


Executive Interviews: Business to Business


Re-design the In-Aisle Experience