Launch a Successful Loyalty Program

A world-renowned global hospitality brand partnered with W5 to better understand how a newly designed app and rebranded loyalty program could strengthen their relationship with current and prospective members. A primary goal was to better understand usage and paint points within the app and improve the UX to match the revamped program and experience.


W5 employed digital ethnographic techniques to understand real-world usage of the app and program and understand the key pain points and best-in-breed elements employed by the brand and their competitors. Study participants completed various tasks and provided relevant feedback on the user experience, content, and navigational ease. W5 ethnographers applied behavioral science techniques to uncover loyalty member goals, beliefs, and choices, highlighting motivations and overall perceptions of loyalty programs to illuminate loyalty behavior and drivers behind that behavior.


W5 clearly highlighted the differences in needs, behaviors, and motivations associated with current loyalty customers and the next potential group of loyal customers. This allowed the client to not only optimize the current program and app but also ensure they enhance satisfaction of their most valuable customers while also providing new benefits and functionality for next-gen customers, increasing the program’s reach.


Design for Ease of Shopping


Pursue Agile Innovation